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Plant Management

The Plant section under Plant Settings allows users to view, edit, and manage different plants within the system. This includes viewing plant details, changing their information, and performing other administrative tasks related to plants.

To access the Plant section:

  1. Click on the Settings icon in the left sidebar menu.
  2. Select Plant Settings from the dropdown options.
  3. Choose Plant from the sub-menu.

Plant Management Interface

Within the Plant interface, there are three menus:

  • List: Displays a list of all plants with detailed information.
  • Deleted: Shows plants that have been deleted.
  • Activities: Likely displays a log of activities related to plant management.

Show Entries

  • Input Type: Dropdown
  • Description: Allows you to select the number of entries to display per page.
  • Options: 10, 25, 50
  • Input Type: Text field
  • Description: Enables searching for specific plants by entering keywords such as plant name or ID.

Plant List

The plant list provides detailed information about each plant and includes the following columns:

Plant ID

  • Description: Displays the unique identifier for the plant.


  • Description: Shows an image associated with the plant.

Botanical Name

  • Description: Displays the botanical name of the plant.


  • Description: Shows the genus of the plant.

Plant Type

  • Description: Indicates the type of plant (e.g., Herbs/Perennials, Trees/Shrubs).


  • Description: Provides the origin of the plant.


  • Description: Provides options to view, edit, or delete the plant.
  • View: Permits you to view the plant's details.
  • Edit: Allows you to modify the plant's details.
  • Delete: Allows you to remove the plant from the system.

Plant Details

The Plant Details section under Plant Settings allows users to view detailed information about a specific plant, including its botanical name, alternative names, genus, plant type, origin, zone, supplier, colors, labels, and description.

To access the Plant Details section:

  1. Click on the Settings icon in the left sidebar menu.
  2. Select Plant Settings from the dropdown options.
  3. Choose Plant from the sub-menu.
  4. Select a specific plant from the list to view its details.

Plant Details Information

Field Description
Botanical Name Allium schoenoprasum
Alternative Name Chives
Genus Allium
Plant Type Herbs/Perennials
Origin Norway
Zone H8 (Extreme Arctic / Alpine Zone)
Supplier N/A
Colors Purple Flower, Green Leaves
Labels Edible
Description Chives are a perennial in the Onion family. It is registered as hardy to zone H8, and can cope with almost any conditions. It typically grows around 0.4 m tall. The flowers usually appear purple. The plant can be used in culinary contexts. The species is considered native to Norway.

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