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System Settings

The System Settings section allows users to configure various system-wide preferences that affect how data is displayed and processed within the application. These settings include currency formatting, date and time formats, time zone selection, and VAT type configuration.

To access the System Settings: - Click on the Settings icon in the left sidebar menu. - Select System Settings from the dropdown options.

Available Settings

Currency Configuration

Currency Symbol Position

  • Options: Pre, Post
  • Description: Determines whether the currency symbol appears before (Pre) or after (Post) the amount.
  • Default: Pre


  • Input Type: Text field
  • Description: Specifies the currency code (e.g., USD).
  • Default: USD

Currency Symbol

  • Input Type: Text field
  • Description: Allows you to set the symbol used to represent the currency (e.g., $ for USD).
  • Default: $

Amount Format

  • Input Type: Dropdown
  • Description: Sets the format for displaying monetary amounts.
  • Options: Various formats like 00,000,000.00
  • Default: 00,000,000.00

Date and Time Configuration

Date Format

  • Input Type: Dropdown
  • Description: Specifies the format for displaying dates.
  • Options: Multiple formats such as MM/DD/YYYY, DD/MM/YYYY, etc.
  • Default: MM/DD/YYYY (02/23/2025)

Time Format

  • Input Type: Dropdown
  • Description: Specifies the format for displaying times.
  • Options: Various formats like hh:mm:ss a (05:17:55 pm)
  • Default: hh:mm:ss a (05:17:55 pm)

Time Zone

  • Input Type: Dropdown
  • Description: Sets the time zone for the system.
  • Options: A list of global time zones (e.g., United States (-06:00))
  • Default: United States (-06:00)

Vat Configuration

Vat Type

  • Input Type: Dropdown
  • Description: Specifies the VAT (Value Added Tax) type.
  • Options: Options like Include Vat, Exclude Vat, etc.
  • Default: Include Vat


Save Changes

  • Button: Green button labeled "Save Changes"
  • Description: Saves all the changes made in the

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