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Task Preset Management

The Task Preset section under Task Settings allows users to view, edit, and manage different task presets within the system. This includes viewing task preset details, changing their information, and performing other administrative tasks related to task presets.

To access the Task Preset section:

  1. Click on the Settings icon in the left sidebar menu.
  2. Select Task Settings from the dropdown options.
  3. Choose Task Preset from the sub-menu.

Task Preset Management Interface

Within the Task Preset interface, there are three menus:

  • List: Displays a list of all task presets with detailed information.
  • Deleted: Shows task presets that have been deleted.
  • Activities: Likely displays a log of activities related to task preset management.

Show Entries

  • Input Type: Dropdown
  • Description: Allows you to select the number of entries to display per page.
  • Options: 10, 25, 50
  • Input Type: Text field
  • Description: Enables searching for specific task presets by entering keywords such as title or ID.

Task Preset List

The task preset list provides detailed information about each task preset and includes the following columns:

Task Preset ID

  • Description: Displays the unique identifier for the task preset.


  • Description: Shows the title of the task preset.


  • Description: Provides options to edit or delete the task preset.
  • Edit: Permits you to modify the task preset's details.
  • Delete: Allows you to remove the task preset from the system.

Next: Task Priority